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System Tools

System Tools, Hardware Tools, Windows ISOs, Customization

System Tools ​


It's not recommended to use debloaters unless you know what you're doing. Always research first, never just "Apply All" randomly.

System Debloating ​

System Tweaks ​

Package Managers ​

Terminal / CLI ​

Remote Desktop ​

Clipboard Managers ​

Window Managers ​

  • GlazeWM - Tiling Window Manager Inspired by i3wm
  • Komorebi or WorkSpacer /
    - Tiling Window Managers
  • Whim - Pluggable Dynamic Window Manager
  • DWM - Port of X11 dwm to Windows

Virtual Machines ​

Hardware Tools ​

Hardware Monitors ​

GPU Tools ​

Disk Tools ​

Monitor Tools ​

Mouse / Keyboard ​

System Audio ​

Windows ISOs ​

USB / Bootloaders ​

Windows Activation ​

  • MAS - Activation Scripts / Windows / Office /
  • KMS_VL_ALL_AIO - Offline Activator / Windows / Office
  • OfficeRTool - Offline Activator / Office

Windows Updates ​

Windows Repair ​

Customization ​

App Themes ​

Wallpapers ​

Wallpaper Tools ​